A downloadable game

S0NIC is the main character of the unpopular TV Series, President S0NIC.

Sonic the Hedgehog is actually an imposter and the person who stole this guy's job. back in the early 90s to the early 2000s, S0NIC's first and last TV Series was released to unpopularity but still higher ratings than Waluigi's Quest.

The show was cancelled in 2000 after the disaster that was President S0NIC: A Five Minute Movie (Most likely because it was by Bowser Pictures) 

In 2002, the show was a nominee for the Worst Show of 2002 Award but lost to Waluigi's Quest.

S0NIC's current whereabouts are unknown though some have speculated that he is actually the current Sonic from Sonic Adventure all the way up to Sonic Lost World.

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